For more Doorbells listed in store, please click on this link == Doorbells. 1-to-2 Wireless Doorbell Doorchime Door Bell Chime. Working range between transmitter and receiver up to 100 metres approx. 1-to-2 wireless doorbell with remote control, ie, 1 transmiter (remote button) + 2 receivers (bells). Both Wi-Fi and Bluetooth are geeky technologies working invisibly and behind the scenes to subtly and profoundly change homes all over the world. A wide range of household gadgets, from TV remote controls to room temperature thermostats to doorbells, use nonstandard tech to communicate wirelessly. Easy to install and work great when out back hear tones very clear. Wireless Digital Doorbell wi. Wireless Doorbell with 36 Tu. If you have already made a purchase Log in to My Orders to track progress or request help through the order details page. If you are considering a purchase Chat with Online Sales for more information before you purchase. BestOfferBuy 32-Melody Wireless Doorbell Transmitter / Receiver Set. We promise Low Prices, Quality Product and 30 day Money Back Guarantee. Because of the temptation to always work, the ideal workspace for better work / life balance is one where you can close the door when your working hours are over (you do have working hours, dont you?). If needed, a wireless doorbell chime extender can be easily installed (available at any hardware / home center). Chamberlain Wireless Doorbell Intercom System.